green_meklar's website

Hi! Welcome to my site. This place exists to serve as the 'hub' of my online activities, so that people from various sites can find out what the heck I've been up to. I'll be updating the site as necessary. I don't guarantee that everything I put online is family-friendly, so consider yourself warned. If you want to contact me, you can do so by emailing:
The not_taken_1 address was the account I used for Yahoo Answers, but now that I'm not active on Yahoo Answers, I'll be checking it much less often, so if you were planning to email me, you should use the address shown above instead.

Some people may remember the old site that was up from 2005 to 2009. Some of that content will likely end up here (and some won't), but I'm not committed to reusing the old site structure.

About me: I'm male (and straight), I reside in Canada, and I'm a total nerd who spends most of his free time surfing the Web, writing computer programs, playing computer games (which I mostly suck at), watching anime, reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, and the like. I prefer not to mix my offline and online activities, so if you happen to be someone who knows me outside the Internet, kindly respect my anonymity on here.

Most recent news: Recently started watching anime again after a 5-year hiatus (since summer 2019) due to noise pollution. It's great to be back! I picked Taishou Baseball Girls as my first re-introductory anime.

This site currently has the following other pages up. Some pages have a 'performance warning' indicating that they run fairly intensive Javascript and should probably not be viewed on a mobile device in order to save on battery charge.

BBCoder: This is my old BBCoder utility. It makes gradient text and stuff.

1D cellular automaton tool: A widget that runs cellular automata in the browser. (Performance warning!)

2D cellular automaton tool: A widget that runs cellular automata in WebGL. (Performance warning!)

Kana practice: A widget I made for practicing katakana and hiragana.

Randomizer: A widget for random number generation.

Safety Inspection: A SimCity 2000 fanfic (~40000 words) that I wrote a few years ago.

Concerning the Fire: A steampunk short story I wrote a few years ago.

2048: My implementation of the browser puzzle game. Has an AI and supports sprite sheets.

Dwarf Fortress scenario suggestions: A widget that suggests scenarios for playing Dwarf Fortress.

Pirate map generator: A widget I made for a procedural generation contest on Reddit. (Performance warning!)

Pixel art castle generator: A widget I made for a procedural generation contest on Reddit. (Performance warning!)

Spaceship generator: A widget I made for a procedural generation contest on Reddit. (Performance warning!)

Lovecraftian myth generator: A widget I made for a procedural generation contest on Reddit.

Dungeon painter: A widget I made for a procedural generation contest on Reddit. (Performance warning!)

Besides this site, you can also find me in other places on the Internet, such as:


TV Tropes








This site is hosted by NeoCities. They don't put any forced ads on sites, so I'm happy to give them a linkback.

Last update: August 23, 2024